20th September 2021
The following measures are in line with Victorian government guidelines as of 19th September 2021, as set out in their roadmap to ‘Delivering The National Plan – Metro’ document. The below information will change if/when amendments are made to the aforementioned roadmap.
As set out in the roadmap, from the 26th September, access to use of outdoor recreation/sporting options – tennis, golf, basketball, beach volleyball – will return. As will training options of up to 5 fully vaccinated players, with a trainer, or 2 people if not fully vaccinated. This allows us to start offering small private groups, one-on-one or two-on-one sessions using a net.
From the 26th October, training options will open significantly. Maximum numbers per session have not yet been confirmed, but 4 square metre density limits will be in place. This means similar numbers to post-lockdown sessions this time last year.
Given most of our juniors have only recently been provided access to vaccines, VBVA will likely be able to offer only one-on-one or two-on-one sessions from the 26th September. If vaccination measures can be met, this will open up. We will be creating a schedule with weekly training times across a range of days. These times will be accessible to all our levels. A specific post with training costs and structure of sessions will follow in the coming days.
Please note, with almost all of the measures in the plan, vaccination is a requirement for participation. Simply, if you are vaccinated, your recreation options expand.
This will also be the case with your VBVA training options. As of the 26th October, in order to train in a group, you will need to be either fully vaccinated, or have had your initial shot, with a date confirmed for your second. If your child is under 12, this will not apply to them.
We know this may raise concerns for a small number of you, who may have medical or other reasons for not being able to vaccinate, and we are happy to discuss those concerns confidentially.
Our greatest concern is for the welfare of all those who train with us, as well as their families. This is best achieved with vaccination as a requirement of training with VBVA/Warriors.
VBVA Coaches
For more information on Victoria’s Roadmap: Delivering The National Plan click here
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