It’s been a big year for our crew; from results in the state and national tour, to the Australian Youth Beach Champs record haul and now… eight of our senior peeps are Australian reps!
That’s right! James, Lulu, Sammy, Cat, Gemma, Emma, Hilary and Lucy just returned from representing their country in Thailand. Given the massive cultural differences that come with international events, as well as this being a first ‘cap’ for their country, we felt it appropriate to find out how much fun they had.

The following questions were asked in random conversations with our younger crew, and then put to our travelling Australian reps. As you will see from the answers, we have a very articulate bunch
Q: First time representing Australia? How was the feeling from the initial call-up? Not your first time? How was it having so many Victorians in the travelling squad?
Thailand was my first time representing Australia in an overseas trip however I had already played in a series against the New Zealand u20 team in Canberra mid 2022. Looking at the calendar for this year, Thailand was the one trip I really wanted to do so when I got the call up I was really excited. At previous Aus camps there hasn’t usually been many Victorians so to have so many going to Thailand especially from vbva was really special.
This was the second Thailand tour I’ve been a part of. The last tour was much smaller, there was only one team, and I was the only Victorian. This year there were two teams and many more Victorians. It felt so nice to have so many familiar faces supporting me.
Wearing the Australian uniform and lining up to hear our team called for the first time was an unreal feeling I will never forget. It felt like I was dreaming.
I was very excited to wear an aus jersey for the first time and excited for all the opportunities to better my volleyball.
This was my first time representing Australia. This particular team had been the goal that I had been working towards over the past year so I was ecstatic when I found out I made the team, and when I discovered that so many of my vic friends had also made the team I was so excited.
The day that emails were being sent out for selection to the team I was coming home from school camp where we didn’t have access to our phones. I was so nervous but when I found out I had made my first Aus team I was so so excited. It was very comforting to know that not only were so many Victorian’s in the squad but so was my beach volleyball partner.
When we got the email to say that we were invited it was like it didn’t feel real.
Yes, the first time. The feeling was disbelief! Even on the plane there I wasn’t able to comprehend what it was to be an Australian athlete! There was only Hilary and I in our age group from Victoria but it was great to see our state well represented overall.

Q: How was the first training session as an Australian squad?
The first session of the tour was a tough one. I was a bit nervous at the start but the biggest challenge was adapting to the environment as we played in 37 degree weather with no cooling in stadiums. Overall though it was a good session to get used to the environment and new teammates.
The first training was heaps of fun. Getting to know everyone on the team and setting us up for the rest of the tour, being able to see everyone’s talent and know we were all going to improve together was really exciting.
The first team training was a bit of a slap in the face as we had to get used to training in 40 degree heat with no aircon. The Queenslanders hadn’t arrived yet which also meant I was the only setter and didn’t get many breaks!
It was such a high intensity and you could tell how much everyone was committed to the sport. I loved it.
The first training session was slow to start as we were training along side people we had never trained with before but once we all shook off our nerves and got to know each other we clicked incredibly well and made a very great team.
The first training was exciting and great quality. Everyone was pumped to be there and was looking to prove themselves on the court. Our coaches were amazing and so was our team who we knew or knew of most of the people. Everyone was very friendly and we all grew to be so close.
Not until we had landed in Thailand was I like yep wow ok this is happening. When I found out the amount of Victorians going I was so excited because we have so much talent and it was so exciting to finally have a good number of people representing us all.
I found it a bit intimidating but I settled into the team well and I really liked the group of girls I got to play with. I was also in awe of where we were, which was an FIVB court which was nothing like I’d ever experienced before!

Q: What were your impressions of Thailand? The food, the people, the heat…
I haven’t been out of Australia much so visiting Thailand was my first experience in a less developed country. Driving through the streets made me realise how lucky I was to live in Australia however all of the people were kind and happy. We were there during the Songkran water festival which we joined in with all of the welcoming locals. The weather was very hot and humid and took a while to adjust!
Thailand is amazing, the people there are so nice and are always smiling. The heat was insane. I don’t think I’ve ever sweat so much in my life; we were constantly having to stop training to wipe the floor lol.
I found Thai culture to be very respectful. Every team we played seemed so happy to play us, and often asked to take photos with us. The food was tasty but different to what most people are used to in Australia, so people had stomach issues. They also had some American food chains like Auntie Annie’s and Dunkin Donuts which was fun to try.
The people are all so nice and friendly and the food is very yummy. The heat and humidity however was not as amazing.
When we all first stepped out of the airport I think we all gasped when we realised how hot it was. The heat there was unlike anything we had experienced before and we were all pretty scared to be playing in such extreme conditions. The people in Thailand are such lovely people, everyone had such amazing manners and it was so cool to experience this. The food as expected was incredible and the fruit was amazing compared to what we get in Australia.
I had never been overseas before so going to Bangkok was great. Even though we didn’t eat much street food because they didn’t want us getting sick, the meals that were prepared for us were actually nice with lots of options. The heat was a big shock for a lot of us. It was about 38 degrees every day with the ‘feels like’ temperature getting sometimes to 46. We were sweating constantly almost the entire trip. The people were all so lovely and kind to us.
Stepping out of the airport the heat and muggy was felt so claustrophobic, I didn’t know how we would get through training and playing in the Thailand conditions but quickly come to terms which the fact that if you do anything or just step outside it’s going to be so humid and your probably going to get sweaty. I found that the people in Thailand were super friendly to us and also very curious seeing a whole bunch of tall volleyballers from Australia. The food in supermarkets and on the street was also really interesting because it was so unusual to me and the food that we had was really good.
The people were lovely, they would annihilate us in a game and then fangirl over us at the end! They were very welcoming. It was incredibly hot and the feeling of constantly sweating was something I had to get used to. Learning to barter and interact with the people at the markets was really interesting – the shopping was great! Seeing the poverty was really eye opening …

Q: How was the first training session: Who did you room with? Fellow Vics or players from other states? Did this help you having familiarity (if with fellow Vics) or allow you to expand your friendship base outside of Victoria (if with other states).n as an Australian squad?
I shared a room with a guy named Josh from WA. I was glad I got to share with someone I didn’t initially know very well as I could develop a good friendship with him after a few days.
I roomed with someone from NSW, I was already friends with her, so I was so happy to be able to share a room with her. I loved being able to reconnect with people from my team from last year and also make new friendships with those whose first tour was this one.
I ended up rooming with Milla again, whom I have roomed with for both of the national tournament last year which definitely gave me a sense of familiarity and comfort.
I roomed with Chelsea from SA. I was lucky because we were already close friends and this meant we got to live together for 2 weeks. Our room was the designated hangout place for the rest of the team which was very convenient.
I roomed with Kiara who although is from victoria, I had never met before. I found it fun getting to know her over the two weeks and we have become close friends.
I was in a room with Chloe Wise who is currently in the AVA but from Queensland originally. She was so nice and we got along really well.
I roomed with a girl from NSW and it was really fun to get to know her and become friends with all the girls from different states.
I roomed with a player from Queensland which helps increase your social circle and make more friends.
Q: Best moment of the tour?
The best moment of the tour was definitely when they selected a combined top male after the tournament (which i was in) who got to play a friendly match against the Thai senior men’s national team. I played 2/3 sets against the Thai team which was an amazing experience and I played really well, getting multiple kills and an ace. It was an incredible opportunity to play against a senior national team and it was lucky that they were willing to play against a bunch of 16-17 year olds.
On the second or third night, nearly the whole squad was hanging out on the corner of our hotel’s block celebrating Songkran, which is the Thai New Year celebration. We were throwing water on each other and the local Thai people who had started the festivities. We were there for nearly an hour, and it felt so nice being able to relax with everyone on the squad. It is a memory I’ll never forget.
Hard to pick one moment. On court it would be one of my two ball attacks or good blocks, but off court might have to be the first time going to the market, an amazing experience.
The best moment or moments was just being pushed and supported to play at a higher level of volleyball than I ever have before. The environment was so amazing and positive.
My favourite moment from the tour was probably when my team got into a water fight with some local Thai people as Songkran, a water festival, was taking place for a few days while we were there.
The entire tour was amazing. One of the best things was that I became such close friends with people from all over Aus. We all went to markets which were chaotic but a lot of fun. Over three days while we were there, Thai new years (Songkran) celebrations we happening. There we so many people from kids to adults with water guns and throwing buckets of water on people which was also lots of fun.
There were so many amazing moments on tour on and off the court but two of the best had to be the Songkran festival and also lining up on the baseline before our first game facing our Thai opposition and feeling super excited to be there playing.
The last scratch match we played, in a timeout the coach asked me where I was in the rotation & then told the team to ‘get the set out to Lucy’. Then we got back on court and straight away I passed and killed the ball! That set I also got 3 kill blocks.
Q: What are you going to take from this experience? Has it changed the goals you have set for the future in the sport?
This experience gave me a long awaited taste of international volleyball tours which I really enjoyed and it has motivated me to work extremely hard and aim to get into the U20 Australian team next year to compete in the Asian Champs.
I am going to take away many things from this experience but most of all I will take away the connections I made, which are continuing to grow. Having those connections all over Australia is so fun and I love being able to go somewhere knowing I could catch up with someone who I had shared an incredible experience with. Going on these tours makes me extremely driven to continue to be picked, it makes me want to push myself and always strive to be the best I can.
From this experience I have learned that representing Australia is an amazing experience that I definitely want to do again.
Going to Thailand made me realise how much I love training and playing 2 times a day and committing fully to the sport and has made me focus on going to college in the US where I can continue to work and train at that level.
I have taken away so many more new skills that I can apply on the court as well as a greater understanding of my position and role within a team. It has made me look further into my future and see all of the different pathways that lead to playing at a high level which is something that I am even more set on since participating in this tour.
Playing for Aus for the first time was such an amazing experience that I won’t forget. It’s given all of us heaps of inspiration for the coming years and has really pushed us to keep setting higher goals.
From this experience I will take away all the connections I made with people and also the experience that I gained from playing in a tournament like that against that type of opposition. It hasn’t really changed the goals I have for the sport, only added to them, and given them some substance.
This experience has given me a deeper understanding of what it’s like to be an athlete and what I need to achieve going forward.