Date: 23 March 2020
Vic Beach Volleyball Academy (VBVA) and open age Warriors training will be falling in line with national social distancing guidelines, for at least the next two weeks.
This unfortunately means, we will not have any scheduled training this, and next week at a minimum. As disappointing as this decision has been, we need to do our bit as a community to help flatten the curve of what is an insidious virus.
The glass half full… we will be launching a month long, daily challenge for all the kids involved with VBVA as well as those Warriors wanting to keep up their fitness. We will be releasing the information for this challenge today, and will be asking for all who are interested to join us. It’ll be fun ,, free and have a competitive edge.
Finally, a lot of you are siblings… make use of this, by peppering regularly to keep your touches up. We will be posting more info on the daily challenge later today, so… keep an eye out.
We will regularly update this post, as we receive information from Volleyball Australia as well as local, state and federal government.
Date: 22 March 2020
As of 9:30pm tonight – with a press conference from PM Scott Morrison – there are currently no changes to the previously posted update, in reference to Beach Volleyball.
We are expecting a press conference from Victorian Premier Dan Andrews in the morning, which may involve a statewide lock-down, as well as further measures which will affect training. We hope this does not eventuate, but are working on a range of fun, at-home training challenges in the event training is cancelled. Keep an eye out here for further updates.
Date: 20 March 2020
From: Andrew Dee, CEO – Volleyball Australia
Topic: Recommended sport response to COVID-19
Further to the advice dated 17 March 2020, VA has been asked to clarify the situation with regard to gathering sizes and the implications for indoor and outdoor activities.
Outdoor Events
Outdoor gatherings of fewer than 500 attendees may proceed. There are general measures that all events should follow, including:
- In a given occupied space, there must be no more than one person per four square metres of ground space.
- Availability of hand hygiene products and suitable waste receptacles, with frequent cleaning and waste disposal.
Link: https://www.pm.gov.au/media/update-coronavirus-measures
VBVA response: From Saturday 21st March we will be supplying antibacterial wipes as players arrive. We will be implementing training drills incorporating the ‘four square metre’ rule, and asking that players ‘air bump’ instead of a fist or pokie bump, or a hi-five.
We ask that if you (or your child) are displaying any symptoms, please stay home. As of the 28th March we will have a non-contact forehead thermometer, to allow us to check all our players prior to training. As much as this may seem excessive, we plan to do all we can to ensure a safe environment which, hopefully will allow continued training going forward.