The 23-24 summer beach season arrives on the 1st October 2023. Along with it, daylight saving, tournaments, state team trials, and lots of training. You’ll note some key changes, to training times as well as the cost. So, let’s get into the latter first.
PRICING CHANGE | All sessions excluding Spikezone will push up to $20
Times are changing… costs for everything are going up, and unfortunately, like everyone around us, we are going to be increasing our training prices. It will be the first time we have ever increased the cost of training, but feel 2010 pricing no longer matches costs in 2023.
The changes will see all training, as of the 1st October, move to $20 per session. Spikezone sessions (7 – 10yo crew) will remain at $15, but will only run for 1 hour. All other sessions, unless otherwise noted will run for 1.5hours.
CHANGES TO TIMES | 30 Minutes earlier on Saturdays for all sessions
Given we’re expecting a hot El Nino-fuelled summer, we are going to try and get all Saturday training completed by midday on a Saturday. This means our Tier One guys will start training from 7:30am; our Tier One girls and Tier Two lads will kick off from 9am… and our Tier Two/Three mixed group will run from 10:30am to midday. The Spikezone kids will run from 10:30am – 11:30am. All these times will commence from the 1st October.
Want to know your level? Scroll down our ‘Calendar’ page to get a breakdown of where you best fit in. Please be aware that, although we invite all levels and players to train with us, during peak times, we do prioritise our regular training group.
Email or call the number on the poster, for more information.